Older 2’s

8:45—11:45 a.m.

Our Older 2’s preschool classroom is an opportunity to learn through exploration and questioning. Children will learn how to navigate working together, sharing, respecting space and following adult directions. Simple, hands-on experiences, which are intentionally and thoughtfully planned, will teach these important social skills, as well as increase language skills and introduce the most basic kindergarten readiness skills.

Children are not required to be potty-trained for this class, however they should be in the process.

3 Year-olds

8:45—11:45 a.m. or 12:15—3:15 p.m.

Our three-year old classroom is an opportunity for children to learn through teacher-driven and child-driven activities. As children strengthen their social and emotional skills, they will be introduced to kindergarten-readiness academic skills, such as mathematics and reading. In addition to these areas of development and learning, intentional experiences are planned to promote cognitive, small and gross motor, and language development.

4 Year-olds

8:45—11:45 a.m. or 12:15—3:15 p.m.

Our four-year old classroom builds upon the skills learned by our youngest children, with a greater focus on the academic kindergarten-readiness skills such as letter recognition, sounds, letter/name writing, early spelling through phonics, and certain mathematical concepts, such as counting, quantifying, number recognition, shape identification, comparing/measuring and identifying/creating patterns.

Children will continue to practice their social skills with their friends during free choice time and/or large and small group activities, which may be structured or non-structured. Our curriculum adheres to the Illinois Early Learning Standards and your child will be prepared for kindergarten!


8:45—11:45 a.m. or 12:15—3:15 p.m.

Our Pre-K classroom, designed for four and five year-olds, emphasizes children learning kindergarten-readiness skills, while being focused on their increasing need for autonomy, the importance of friendships and empowering them with strong social skills to navigate those relationships. Children will spend increased time focused on literacy, mathematics and building upon their problem-solving skills. Our curriculum adheres to the Illinois Early Learning Standards and your child will be prepared for kindergarten!

Enrichment Programming | Full Steam Ahead

1:15—3:15 p.m.

This educational, enrichment opportunity is available for children ages three to five throughout the school year. Each week, this exciting enrichment program will concentrate on science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics. Teachers will provide interactive opportunities to support exploration and discovery to encourage logical thinking, creativity, reflection, problem-solving, and pretend play.

Lunch is not provided, but a snack will be.  Classes run Monday-Thursday.

Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Children must be fully potty-trained and registered at least one week in advance.



Summer Preschool Camp

Selected weeks in June & July, 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

Christ Church Preschool Summer Camp is an opportunity for your child to practice going to school before we start in the fall! In addition to thoughtfully planned fun summer activities, your child will begin to become familiar with the routine of school, create fun memories and make friends.

Coming Summer 2025!!!

Academic Overview

Creative Curriculum

(Educational curriculum)

The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive, research-based course of study that features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical-thinking skills.

Daily routines and meaningful, intentional learning experiences in mathematics, language and literacy, cognitive and physical development, science and technology, the arts, social studies, English-language acquisition, and social-emotional development shape today’s children as tomorrow’s leaders.

The Creative Curriculum adheres to the Illinois Early Learning Standards.

First Look

(Faith-based curriculum)

Think Orange’s preschool curriculum, First Look, provides strategies and tools to create engaging, inspiring lessons to give preschoolers an everyday faith that will last a lifetime. Think Orange’s strategy aligns leaders and parents to create community around a timeless message that mobilizes the next generation to love God and serve others.

JOY (Jesus, Others, You)

Little Kids Caring for Our Big World

Christ Church Preschool is committed to teaching our youngest learners to care about God’s world and those that live in it. Each month we will focus on a project that will provide an opportunity for the children to learn about and practice compassion, empathy and kindness.

Birthday Book Club

Birthdays in a preschooler’s life are special! In lieu of sending in edible birthday treats for the class, we invite you to celebrate your child’s birthday with a donation of a new hardcover picture book to your child’s classroom library! This is a terrific way to honor your child’s birthday and to help our classroom libraries grow. A special book plate will be placed in the book commemorating the event and donation.

Please consider visiting the classroom to read the donated book to your child’s class as part of the birthday celebration. Reach out to the teacher to schedule a time to read the special birthday book.

Thank you for supporting our classroom libraries!